Woodside, Airdrie, Alberta Real Estate and Homes for Sale
Roughly 90% of the population of this neighbourhood own their home and 10% are renters. Single detached homes and townhouses are the predominant housing type in this area. The buildings in this neighbourhood are very new, because roughly half of its dwellings were constructed in the 1990s, while many of the remaining buildings were built in the 2000s. This neighbourhood offers mainly three bedroom and four or more bedroom homes. Read more about Woodside real estate
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This neighbourhood is very car friendly. It is very convenient to park, and nearby highways are easy to access from any home in Woodside. It is challenging to get around by bike in Woodside because. Nevertheless, the topography is reasonably flat. Travelling on foot is also not especially practical for home buyers in Woodside because most daily needs are at times difficult to carry out by walking.
Parents and their children will value the proximity to primary schools and daycares, which are within walking distance from the majority of properties for sale in Woodside. On the other hand, this part of the city does not contain any high schools. As far as food is concerned, a portion of residents in Woodside may be able to buy their groceries by walking, while others will need a vehicle.
Most areas in Woodside are very quiet, as there isn't a lot of street noise or city clamour.