95 Sage Bluff Heights NW
This Calgary property is located at 95 Sage Bluff Heights NW and is situated in the area of Sage Hill.
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Homes for Sale Near 95 Sage Bluff Heights NW

Demographic Information
Life Stage
Young FamiliesEmployment Type
MixedAverage Household Income
$135,177.56Average Number of Children
1.79Household Population
Household Structure
- One Family73.38%
- 2+ Families1.14%
- One Person21.72%
- 2+ People3.76%
Age of Population
- 0 - 4Percentage9.27
- 5 - 9Percentage8.42
- 10 - 14Percentage6.23
- 15 - 19Percentage4.56
- 20 - 34Percentage26.04
- 35 - 49Percentage27.74
- 50 - 64Percentage12.9
- 65 - 79Percentage4.5
- 80+Percentage0.33
Education Level
No certificate/diploma/degree
8.81 %High school certificate or equivalent
23.2 %Apprenticeship trade certificate/diploma
4.74 %College/non-university certificate
17.47 %University certificate (below bachelor)
2.18 %University Degree
43.6 %Commuter
Travel To Work
By Car
88.75 %By Public Transit
6.15 %By Walking
1.94 %By Bicycle
0.0 %By Other Methods
3.16 %Cultural Diversity
Knowledge of Official Language
- English% of Individuals91.66
- French% of Individuals0
- Both Languages% of Individuals5.58
- Neither Language% of Individuals2.76
Mother Tongue
- English% of Individuals64.08
- Tagalog% of Individuals4.66
- Mandarin% of Individuals4.53
- Spanish% of Individuals3.72
- Urdu% of Individuals1.93
- Arabic% of Individuals1.71
- Korean% of Individuals1.45
- Other% of Individuals17.93
Building Information
Building Type
Apartments (Low and High Rise)
22.02 %Houses
77.98 %Own Vs. Rent
- Owned85.18%
- Rented14.82%
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