Broad Street, Saint John, New Brunswick Real Estate and Homes for Sale
Roughly 85% of the population of this neighbourhood rent their home and the rest are owners. Small apartment buildings are the predominant housing type, representing around 70% of dwellings in this part of Saint John, and the rest of the dwellings are mainly duplexes and townhouses. This area experienced its most significant construction boom prior to the 1960s, so most of the available housing stock is from this time period. This neighbourhood offers mainly one bedroom and two bedroom homes. Read more about Broad Street real estate
It is convenient for people walking to move around in Broad Street; most daily needs are easy to carry out without having to resort to a car. Driving is often the preferred method of transportation in this neighbourhood. Most homes for sale are a rather short car ride from the closest highway, and accessing a parking spot is quite easy. On the other hand, public transit riders may experience limited choices in Broad Street as a result of the low service level. Nevertheless, the neighbourhood is served by a few bus lines, and it is especially convenient to reach a nearby bus stop from most properties.
It is very often an option for house buyers in Broad Street to purchase groceries on foot. When it comes to education, parents and their children will appreciate that wherever their house is situated in this area, schools and daycares are close by.
The character of Broad Street is exemplified by its slower-paced environment. It is easy to reach parks from most locations within the neighbourhood since there are a few of them close by for residents to enjoy. This part of the city is also very good for those who like quiet surroundings, as the streets tend to be very calm.