Mariday Park, Thunder Bay, Ontario Real Estate and Homes for Sale
Single detached homes are the most common housing type, representing the vast majority of dwellings in Mariday Park, while the remainder are mainly large apartment buildings. This neighbourhood is primarily composed of four or more bedroom and three bedroom homes. Homeowners occupy roughly 85% of the units in Mariday Park while the rest are rented. Most of the housing growth in this neighbourhood happened prior to the 1960s. Read more about Mariday Park real estate
It is convenient for pedestrians to move around in this area; many common errands can be run without having to use a car. The public transit service in Mariday Park is not very frequent. Nevertheless, residents benefit from a few bus lines, and bus stops are not very far away from most houses. However, driving is often the preferred approach to navigate this area. Parking is generally easy, and most real estate listings are a reasonably short drive from the nearest highway.
It is easy to reach the closest supermarket on foot from any home in Mariday Park. With respect to education, parents and their kids will welcome the proximity to daycares and schools, which are within walking distance from the majority of houses for sale in this area.
Mariday Park is very good for those who prefer a quiet atmosphere, as the streets tend to be very calm.