Luxury Real Estate for Sale in Pitt Meadows, BC
Explore Luxury Homes, Mansions, Condos and Apartments for sale
Luxury Homes for sale in Pitt Meadows average around $1,687,162 on MLS®. Approximately 13.91% of all listings in the city fall under this category. In Pitt Meadows, nearly 40% of the available dwellings are single detached homes, while small apartment buildings and townhouses also make up a part of the housing landscape. The city predominantly features two and three-bedroom homes. About 75% of the dwellings in Pitt Meadows are occupied by homeowners, with the remainder being rented out. Unlike cities that experienced a single building boom, Pitt Meadows saw a more gradual development, with new construction spanning multiple decades throughout the twentieth and twenty-first century.