Waterloo, QC Real Estate - Houses For Sale in Waterloo, Quebec
Roughly 60% of the properties in the city are occupied by homeowners and the remainder are rented. In this city, about 45% of buildings are single detached homes, while small apartment buildings and townhouses are also present in the housing stock. About 40% of properties in this city were built pre-1960, while most of the remaining buildings were constructed in the 1960s and the 2000s. This city is primarily composed of two bedroom and three bedroom homes. Read more about Waterloo real estate
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- $595,000 +GST/QST950z Rue WesternWaterloo, QC
- $695,000950 Rue WesternWaterloo, QC
- Carriage Trade$1,450,000145 Rue NordWaterloo, QC
- $159,900 +GST/QSTRue PickenWaterloo, QC
- $159,900 +GST/QSTRue PickenWaterloo, QC
- $849,0005151 - 5159 Rue FosterWaterloo, QC
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About Living in Waterloo, Quebec
Driving is a great means of transportation in this city. Parking is quite easy. A majority of the houses for sale in this city are located in areas that are not very suitable for those who travel by foot because many daily needs are challenging to carry out without the use of a vehicle.
There are only a limited number of high schools and primary schools in Waterloo and accordingly they can be an extended walk away. Moreover, families may consider it difficult for their children to get to daycares as a pedestrian. When it comes to eating, some, but not all, house buyers in this city will live within walking distance of the closest grocery store. Residents are served by a few restaurants and coffee shops as well.
Waterloo is excellent for those who need quiet surroundings, as the streets are very calm.